How to Search Google Reviews by Keyword


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   Lunedì 23 Ottobre 2023 12:58

As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, Google did not provide a built-in feature to search Google reviews by keyword directly on its platform. However, you can use some alternative methods to find reviews containing specific keywords: If You Find 7 Best Websites to Buy Google Review in 2023 check. 

  • Google Search: You can use Google’s general search engine to find reviews that mention specific keywords. Type the name of the business or place you’re interested in followed by the keywords you want to search for within quotation marks. For example: “Business Name” “Keyword.” This can sometimes yield relevant results.

  • Google Maps: While you can’t perform a keyword search for reviews on Google Maps, you can visit the business’s Google Maps listing and scroll through the reviews manually. Use your browser’s “Find” function (usually Ctrl + F or Command + F) to search for specific keywords within the reviews displayed on the page.

  • Third-Party Review Sites: Some third-party review aggregator websites, like Yelp and TripAdvisor, allow you to search for reviews by keyword. While these sites may not have all Google reviews, they can be useful for finding reviews mentioning specific terms.

If You Find 7 Best Websites to Buy Google Review in 2023 check. 

  • Google Alerts: You can set up Google Alerts for specific keywords related to a business or topic. Google will then send you email notifications when new web content, including reviews, mentions those keywords. While this doesn’t directly search within reviews, it can help you stay updated on relevant mentions.

  • Google My Business API: If you have access to the Google My Business API and the technical expertise to work with it, you can retrieve and filter reviews programmatically, which allows you to search for specific keywords. This method is more advanced and typically used by businesses with a significant online presence.

If you will find the best website for Buy Google review check 7 Best Websites to Buy Google Review.

Please note that the ability to search Google reviews by keyword may have evolved or been introduced as a feature after my last update in September 2021. I recommend checking Google’s official resources or contacting their support for any recent developments or updates regarding this feature.


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