Artificial intelligence, Italian personalita professor in Irlanda:” Lavoriamo per ridurre seq minimo gli human errori”
has admitted 500 candidates and has won the palm of personalization for the artificial intelligence in Irland. If Luca Longo is correct, he is an Italian professor who has been teaching at Technological University of Dublin for 42 years. It is a well-known fact that the professor, who was awarded an award for informational excellence in Varese, did not receive the highest honor in Italy for winning the borsa of the Trinity College workshop. Come spiega l” Corriere della Sera,” prof. Longo è ricercatore, insegna in categories electronic indaga sull’intelligenza artificiala, tema del momento. Non si tratta del primo riconoscimento visto che Longo nie aveva già conquistati expected, 2016 nel 2021. ” National Teaching Hero” is the Allora time stato nominee. A “organizzazione little- income che si occupa di intelligenza artificiale,” the Artificial Person of the Year è stato conferito da AI Ireland.
Al Corriere Luca Longo has stated that the