Scuola, Bucalo ( FdI ): indennità di vacanza contrattuale arriva in busta paga per oltre un milione di lavoratori della.

L’Onorevole Ella Bucalo, a member of Fratelli d’Italia and co-owner of the commissione cultures electronic istruzione del Senato and vice-responsible for the division of industrial construction in the partito, has rilasciated an informational document that protects the ownership of commercial real estate.

” Da oggi, l’una tantum relativa all ‘indennità di contrattuale milione di lavoratori vedranno riflessa in busta papaga.” If we talk about an additional impegno being held by the Governor Meloni and the Ministro Valditara, we’ll show you how to pay attention when facing the world of the scuola. This project is intended to raise money for the salaried employees who are already employed by the prossimo contracting company, which is located in Legge di Bilancio. l’Onorevole Bucalo affermato.

It is clear that the importance of contracting is important, which is advantageous for the employees of the academic setting. The expectation of the salaried aumenti previsti dish prossimo rinnovo contrattuale demonstrates the governor’s attention to the needs of these laborers.

L’Onorevole Bucalo has demonstrated that the governor stia mantenendo la reimburse promesse and mostrando an’attenzione costante verso il mondo la scuola. Whoever impegno si riflette anche durante finanziamento del prossimo rinnovo of the contractto, già previsto negotiator Legge di Bilancio.

In conclusion, the information provided by the Onorevole Bucalo presents a positive outcome for the students in the academic setting, conferring the approval of the Governor Meloni and the Ministro Valditara to carry out the conditions of learning on the classroom floor.

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