Informare alla secure information: a MOOC per la protection of the data in the digital era
In a world that is constantly more digitally advanced, information security is given priority to each individual and encompasses all dimensions. In response to this request, è stato lanciato unovo MOOC intitolato” Comprendere la minacce online electronic apprendere come proteggere di dati i personali.” That is why it is necessary to establish a personal academic program that is supported by the security of the information system and spread the practical methods for the protection of personal data.
He raises a number of important issues and emphasizes the importance of protecting the digital identity of the company. Il MOOC offers an’ampia panoramica le minacce electronic de soluzioni nell’ambito la sicurezza informatica da un’analisi dettagliata dela protezione dei dati personali all strategie per difendersi da malware dan attacchi informatici.
Gli argomenti chiave trattati durante milanoincludono
Consapevolezza dei minacceonline
One’s exploration of the various minacce presenti sulla threadlike and riconoscerle strategies.
Gestione dei password is:
Tecniche avanzate per creare electronic gestire password robuste, fundamentali per la protezione la dati.
Analysis of della dati:
An analysis of crittographic technology to ensure the security of the information transmission and storage.
Navigation that is secure on the Internet:
Practices for a safe and comfortable navigation that reduces the risk of hacking and other activities.
Preventation of digital identity:
Strategie for protecting digital identity and preventing it from becoming an net identity.
Sicurezza delle domestiche electronic aziendali reti:
Indicazioni for ensuring the security of the reti, if there is a domestic life that is aziendale.
Preparation for informational emergent situations:
- Linee guidance for offending and reducing the effects of eventuali situations of informational emergenza.
A particular area of focus for the course is dedicated to educating students about information security and digital responsibility. If we talk about how the integration of these ideas into the educational environment can help shape the student body, sensibilizzandoli sull’importanza la responsabilità digitale electronic del’etica online.
It is free and paid for by us. Second Generation EU, e. between June 6 and June 30 of 2024. Visita]Scuola Futura]- ID CORSO: 178141. Per ulteriori informazioni sul milano e per effettuare l’iscrizione medianteSPID.
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