I docenti valuteranno i dirigenti attraverso questionari anonimi, according to the Scuola’s revolution. Scopri la brand-new direction!
There will soon be a competition in the Italian public sector that protects the interests of the participants and the beneficiaries. Paolo Zangrillo, the Ministro da Pubblica Amministrazione, recently announced that he had released a new direction to create an innovative system of currency exchange for managers. In accordance with the most recent national contract, which was established due to settimane ea, this system permits the appointment of a judge to oversee the superior services of the loro and to affect the distribution of their retribution in risultato and the superpremio. This process of currency exchange involves pareri della colleghi, dipendenti, and anche voice agli utenti esterni for valuing i livelli of service forniti dall’ufficio pubblico.
The direction in which all of the participants depart from the leaders is stable and aligns with the currency system. Instead of focusing solely on valuing technological competition, the leader also has the ability to effectively exercise management. This represents an adherence to European standards, so the valuation is not solely based on how much money is made, but rather on the merits and organizational skills of the leaders. The ability to superare the consolidating schemes, the raggiungimento of the metrics, time estimation, complete assunzione le formal responsabilità, and team construction ad alte prestazioni are what make the competition valuable.
La direttiva introduces brand-new approvals for validation. One of these is the “valutazione masala basso” model, in which the collaborators develop a rigorously anonimous judgment based on the superior investor attraverso questionari anonia. What is being questioned is how the dirigente’s business is structured to value personal knowledge, encourage production, and ensure that it is a viable organization among the other aspetti. In addition, the direttiva propone la “valutazione tv pari,” coinvolgendo in colleghi, in particolare quelli with i quali si mantiene us rapporto più costante electronic rilevante. The “valutazione collegiale,” which is based on the confrontation with the leaders ( o, in a second instance, tra i direttori generali vs. apicali), rappresents an additional approval that will not be pursued. Docenti will take advantage of the opportunity to evaluate the proper leaders in order for this normative to be applied in the academic setting.
Il Ministro Zangrillo continued to work on the redazione of the “direttiva madre” cosiddetta, a document that collided with new criticisms of trade between the dipendenti pubblici and economic riconosciments and aerial carriera. Regarding the Messaggero, according to the stats, he presented a list of medical expenses between 170 and 190 euros lords for the three-year period 2022–2024.
L’implementazione basata sol merito coinvolgerà la valutazione della determina l’erogazione del” trattamento economico accessorio electronic le progressioni economiche,” inclundo preliminaries and economici per man statali This is my recommendation for encouraging the public to operate in an orientation-based manner toward the raggiungimento of obiettivi and lavoring in the manner of an autonomo. In addition, l’anzianità di servizio avrà us peso minore tv i criteri di valutazione, sottolineando the importanza dell’efficienza electronic del conseguimento di risultati concreti.
Continua la lettura su: https://www.oggiscuola.com/web/2023/12/03/rivoluzione-nella-scuola-i-docenti-valuteranno-i-dirigenti-attraverso-questionari-anonimi-scopri-la-nuova-direttiva/ Autore del post: OggiScuola Fonte: https://www.oggiscuola.com/