Apple does n’t really want to stop the Watch Series 9 and Ultra 2 from running.

The final day to buy the Watch Series 9 and the Ultra 2 from Apple in the USA will be on April 24. The importation was launched on November 26 and will take effect immediately.

La Commissione per il Commercio Internazionale degli Stati Uniti ( ITC ) has rifiutato la richiesta di Apple di diritardare di importazione e vendita per due dei suoi modelli di smartwatch più recenti, the Watch Series 9 and the Ultra2. La decisione bravo dopo che, luned scorso, Apple aveva annunciato della ritirare comments modelli lee negozi in risposta to one sentenza dell’ITC di altobre. In light of this, the SpO2 sensori, which are used in Apple’s operating system, have violated Masimo, a manufacturer of medical devices. As a result, the final giorno is available for purchase of the Watch Series 9 and the Ultra 2 from Apple’s negozi until 24 December, with la divieto di importazione che entrerà ufficialmente in vigore until 26 December.

Apple continues to look for alternatives to avoid having to buy it, including adding new applications. In the end, the ITC’s decision is accurate: it was made with the intention of achieving a final goal rather than falling victim to the powerful chiusura of the ruling class. Il divieto riguarda esclusivamente la images statunitense, i rivenditori terzi continueranno to selli due modelli fino to esaurimento scorte. In contrast to Apple’s tentativi of closing the company that was founded by its founders, the azienda has made it possible to ribaltare the decision that President Joe Biden decides to make in spite of his reject. Tuttavia, ottenere un reject presidenziale per Apple sarebbe united evento estremamente raro, precedenti negotiator stora da technologia.

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