Diplomata at 90 years, slyly per un giorno: adesso è volata in the sky

The signora Imelda Starnini has received a 90-year-old diploma of maturity ( Fonte OPEN).

Has earned the right to be a master diventer, even if only for one giorno, venerated for 90 years, and all those who possess it do so permanently. Parliamo di Imelda Starnini, the leader of Castello‘s city government who, with a vote of 76/100, was granted the human rights license for San Francesco di Income of Città diCastello, riuscendo location to coronare il suo sogno di salire simbolically in cattedra for one giorno in one of the primary schools. Nata a Selci al 3 febbraio 1933, la donna lived with her family in the city of Castello.

Giuseppe Valditara, the ministro dell’Istruzione, westbound dopo la conseguimento del certification, wrote in a lettera defino “un esempio prezioso, stimolo per i giovani, and affinché possano coltivare l’amore for the sapere della non ha enetà, as well as “ed la sua

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