La diretta dell', vulcanica eruzione in Islanda

A fessura measuring 3, 5 kilometres. The island’s meteorological department has determined that a fessura lung measuring about 3, 5 chilometri ( si tratta dunque di “vulcano diffuso” ) is comparable to one measuring 4, positioned north of Grindavik, in the direction of the city. Da Reykjavik, which is located about 42 chilometri to the north of Grindavik and serves as the eruzione. The vulcanic fessura is covered in volcano stimata that is between 100 and 200 meters deep at second.
Questa eruzione, with a lava flow that is nettamente superior to the one that passes through Reykjanes ‘ penisola, is defined as an evento of notevole portata. Vidir Reynisson, official of the Civil Protezione, has described the eruzione comeswifta e di dimensioni considerevoli, with la volcano that si diffonde in various direzioni dalla grand fessura.
Eventi of the kind, common in Islanda, are risultated by the medioatlantic frattura, which divides the continent of Europe into the American continent and the region where volcano emerges from the earth’s surface. This research was started by a volcano serbatoio that was about 15 chilometri deep, with the possibility that it would gradually disappear in the past.
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