The world’s largest tartaruga has been around for 191 years.

Good morning, Jonathan! Lo scorso 4 dicembre, la tartaruga più della del monde ha compiuto gli ani: sono 191, che la rendono l’animale terrestreanziano di Pianeta ( with tanto di voice dedicata nel Guinness dei Primati), a record battupo single da alcuni degli equipo antichi squalo dellaGroenl Arriving in the year 1800, the island of Sant’Elena (quola dell’esilio di Napoleone ) was donated by the local governor, who lived next to the plantation house’s giardini and was directly responsible for their wellbeing.
Caccia all tartarughe Jonathan is a gigant tartaruga from the Seychelles ( also known as an Aldabrachelys gigantea hololissa ), and he is one of the sottospecie of an aldalagigante from Aldebra. A time when these rettili were widely dispersed throughout the world ( with the exception of Australia and Antartide ), but they were almost entirely isolated from the rest of Europe. For example, they traveled almost alone through the Seychelles with an isolated singola popolazione that took place in Changuu and ended in Zanzibar. Jonathan is accompanied by a prezioso that rises to the top of the conservazione’s desktop and arrives in Sant’Elena in the same time that the tartarughe begins to descend into the lower loro territory and the allora has the capacity to godere to many more attenzioni that dedicate the rest of his species.
191 years and not feeling. Jonathan arrived in Sant’Elena in 1882 after being appointed governor. At that time, the city had reached the age of 50, and as a result, its data from the year 1832 was stable (arbitrarily, I was n’t overly optimistic ). Sull’isola insieme a lei arrivarono anche altre tr tartarughe, che per non gli sono sopravvissute: l’età medie di questa organisms è di 150 ani, per cui Jonathan esemplare ineccezionale inone molto longeva. Mangia, and soprattutto cerca di accoppiarsi with the altre tartarughe vivono with him, cioè Emma, 55 anni, to Frederik, 32 (esatto: Jonathan non fa preferenze di genere ). The notizie su di lui dicono ha qualche acciacco ( è cieco e ha perso l’olfatto ). Non-ci mettereste anche voi la firma per arrivare a 191 amelia with this voglia di vivere?

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